During the Summer months, we will open up the gym on Wednesdays at 5:00pm. Students can come eat, hang out, and play in the gym or youth room. Worship starts at 6:00pm and ends at 7:45pm.
Sunday Mornings we meet at 9:15am in our main building. Join us for an engaging Bible Study time and group discussion before going to Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30am.
Sunday Mornings we meet at 9:15am in our main building. Join us for an engaging Bible Study time and group discussion before going to Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30am.
Every Wednesday we open up the gym at 5:00pm so students can come and hang out and play before our Bible study and worship begins!
Worship begins at 6:00pm and ends at 7:45pm. Our aim is to share the transforming message of the gospel every week as we open up the Bible and discuss relevant messages from the Bible. Sunday Mornings we meet at 9:15am in our main building. Join us for an engaging Bible Study time and group discussion before going to Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30am. |
WE HAVE FUN!!!Students get 6 years of youth ministry if they start coming in the 7th grade. We want our students to enjoy their Jr. High/High School years! We understand that real joy comes from glorifying God and so the goal of every event we have and every trip we take is to glorify God.
Some of the fun things we do are: Church Camp at Falls Creek Texas Rangers Games Christian Concerts D-NOW Cowboys Watch Parties Bowling, Ice Skating and other fun events! |